International Society of Internal Medicine
The International Society of Internal Medicine (ISIM) was founded in 1948 in Basel, Switzerland. Its purpose is to promote scientific knowledge and unity in internal medicine, to further the education of young internists and to encourage friendship between physicians in all countries.
Today, ISIM comprises the national societies of internal medicine of over 60 different countries throughout the world.
The World Congress of Internal Medicine in Cancun (Mexico) was supposed to be held in 2020, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic it doesn’t happen. The next 36th World Congress of Internal Medicine will be held in Moscow, October 12-14, 2022.
The International Congresses of Internal Medicine has always been outstanding events with a large attendance from the whole world. Congresses provide an excellent opportunity to see and hear the world's leading experts, learn about the latest trends and innovations in the treatment of internal diseases.
In addition to the biennial international congresses, ISIM has been involved in the organization of Postgraduate Meetings in Internal Medicine for more than ten years. These courses were always very successful and were attended by mostly young physicians.
At a time when international medicine is threatened by the defection of its subspecialties, ISIM tries to strengthen its position as an eminent integrating part of the global health sciences.
The activities of ISIM are managed by an executive committee, which consists of eleven members. ISIM, as a member of the Council of the International Organization of Medical Societies actively co-operates with the World Health Organization
ISIM executive committee

Dr. Adri Kok
South Africa

Mr. Andres Huber

Dr. Alejandro Cárdenas Cejudo

Dr. Aru W. Sudoyo
Past President

Prof. Richard Ceska
Czech Republic

Dr. Claudia Arias
Dominican Republic

Prof. Virginia Hood
United States

Prof. Mikhail I. Voevoda
Russian Federation

Prof. John Kolbe
President Elect
New Zealand

Prof. Hans-Peter Kohler
Secretary General

Prof. Quazi Tarikul Islam

Prof. Dr. Rolf A. Streuli
Honorary President