Q: How do I register for the congress?

A: In order to register for the congress, please register online.

Q: How can I pay the registration fees?

A: Payment of registration fees can be made by credit card or bank transfer. For full details please click here.

Q: Can I receive an invoice under the sponsoring Company/ Hospital’s name?

A: Yes. If you require an invoice to be issued to the sponsoring company, during the registration process you can write their billing details.

Q: Can I register for the congress without paying?

A: Yes, but your registration will be confirmed only when full payment is received.

Q: Can I register during the congress?

A: Yes. Registration is available during the congress days.

Q: What does my registration fees include?

A: For full detailed entitlements, please check the registration page.

Q: Will I receive a confirmation letter after I have finished registering?

A: Yes. A detailed confirmation letter will be sent to you by email as soon as payment is received and registration is completed.

Are you a resident of the Russian Federation?
Are you a resident of the Russian Federation?
Abstracts and Clinical Cases can be uploaded only in your personal account after registration and pay for participation.